Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dr. Kafaar Presentation

Dr.Kafaar presented on the 7 ways of teaching/ co teaching, they were:
1). One teach, one observe
2). Parallel teaching
3). Team teaching
4). One teach , one assist
5). Station teaching
6). Supplemental teaching
7). Differentiated teaching/ alternative teaching
 He repaeated multiple times that as a co- teacher you should always be thinking were BOTH teaching! It's an attitude of sharing the classroom and the students, its two teachers working together to stratigize and organize a teaching method and deliever it to the classroom.
Co- teaching is NOT a less righteous student teaching expereience or by any means easier teaching, its just different. It is also not one person teaching while another sits and watches. The benifits of Co-teaching include:
Building stronger connections between universities and school partners.
Provide both support and para development for co teachers.
Increases the needs of young kids being met.
good way to develop confidence and communication.
So why help co teach? because it helps address diversity, it increases student participation and its an easy way to plan and evaluate as a team.

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