Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Finland Phenomenon

How is it that these kids start school later, and end earlier? It said in the movie that kids usually start going to school around age seven. According to PISA (An exam made for the assessment of students) and a most difficult one at that, states that Finland is number one among other competitors. Whereas United States is ranked number twenty six. In the video it stated that Finalnd had held this title from 2000 to 2009. It seems odd to me that they did so well, with less class time. They even called their teachers by first name, whereas here thats considered disrespectful. Alot of the students also mentioned that most of them do at least one extra curricular activity and that it didnt seem to take away from their studies. In order to go to college there you had to get extremly good grades, it's like going to medical school in the United States. The subject you get your degree in, is the subject you have to teach in. The teachers and faculty said the school succeeded so well was because the children were actively engaging in their classrooms. whether it was on the white board or raising their hands. They also said they dont like to dwell on the fact that the students made a mistake, they just corrected it and moved on instead  of making a fuss about it. i thought this was great almost made me want to send my kids over there. Where their teachers are the best of the best, tops of their want to give my child the very best and thats what they would be getting, this being proved by the PISA's.  I'd also like to see more reasearch done on this. Why the late start? Why take the PISA? Do these students graduate and do bigger and better things with their lives?

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