Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Family Involvment

From personal experience I know kids strive, when parents are involved, and those students having a hard time are those who parents don't participate in activites with their children at home or in school. The best way to help parents get involved is through busy work. Having an assignment the whole family needs to participate in, not just the student. Also making it known that parents shouild come in a volunteer, maybe read to the class or be a helper on a feild trip. Do specail events to draw parents in, for instance Daddy Doughnut Day or Muffin Mommy Day. If you offer food they will come! Its hard though, these days there are not alot of stay at home parents, alot of kids live in single parents families, or both parents work. Its not easy being able to afford an education for youir child and be able to be there for every event that comes up, its understandable, but most students like when their parents involved. They also do alot better when the parent is engaged with their childs school and their education. With the parent in the picture, it leads to less crime, less drug use, and less poverty. students succeed when they are being pushed, watched, driven to do better, by both parents and teachers. I had to agree with everything they mentioned in their presentation. It's true coming from a family that both parents had to work and couldnt come to alot of events I know it affected me emotionally and acedemically. I also know from that experince that I don't want to raise my kids that way... I think it's a great thing they are doing over there and i could'nt agree more with what the viedo was saying.

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