Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chapter 6 Education Nation

The best way to learn something is to teach it. I love the title of this chapter, " Digital learners carrying change in their pockets. kids these days learn much differenlt they children used to 20 years ago, when it was strictly pen and paper. These days children are learning things constantly technology is always at their fingertips, what kids doesn't have a phone or ipod or laptop? Not many, and it doesn't matter if they don't have one, I'm sure they know where to get thier hands on one. learning is literally at their fingertips. Kids are expressing themselves through technology and learning while doing it. Kids are making music and cutting music and sharing it with classmates as well as posting their videos for the world to see, in one of the most famous videos sites around "YouTube." Children are even gaming and talking with other children on opposite sides of the world, problem solving, and creating stratgeies together building nation wide friendships. It's amazing the things kids learn from technology especially at such a young age. So in order to teach them we need to put the ball in their court in order to play, or in order to teach them effectively. Technology is ever chnging and its up to use as educators to keep up with these things as well as knowing how to use them. Kids can even have virtual feild trips these days, technology has com that far amazing is'nt it?  I think this is great what better way to keep a grasp on your children then teaching them things they are comforatble with already doing. It takes the pressure off and allows them to contuine the eduaction even when not in tthe classroom. Not to mention it's a better way to get other students and even parents involved in their children lives. It's a learnign experience for a everybody and a true win in the feild or education!

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