Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Speaking In tounges

Speaking In Tounges Video reaction:
All I can saw is WOW. I know i couldnt do what those kids do. Speaking multiple langues at one time, my brain would crash into overload. I guess thats why they do it when their young, when they still have that window of opportunity. But being thrown into a class room where your teacher speaks a different lanuguage then you... tough! How uncomfortable... could you imagine what was going through those kids heads ha ha some of them looked so confused and lost at first. Later throughout the year you saw them getting better though, and speaking almost fluently to the teacher, its amazing what they can pick up on! I would love to send my children somewhere like that, just wish it wasnt so spendy. In the world we live in today though its going to be needed english is becomming less and less of the norm. spanish is on a quick rise to becomming the number one spoken lanuage in this country. So wouldnt it only be wise to enrich our childrens lives by teaching and enabling them the possiblity of learning multiple new languages?

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