Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Teacher Strike article

After reading this article and the comments listed on it i have come to the conclusion that if I were a teacher in chicago I may be doing the same thing...
I have to agree with a person who commented on this topic named "AP", she said:

I have this job as a teacher because I love it. I'm not some soulless human who picks a job purely for financial gain. I am good at what a do and I make a difference. I don't expect the taxpayers to subsidize any of my decisions - I'm paying back my loans all on my own, thank you very much. I also work at a private school - so you can rest easy none of your tax money is funding my "poor choices" to become an educated individual.
A lot of people pursue expensive degrees --- it's called becoming an expert in your field. Lawyers and doctors do it and they are commended for their dedication. Why shouldn't teachers be treated the same way??
Sept. 10, 2012 at 5:53 p.m.

I have to agree, why should we not be treated the same?... Yes funds are limited, but the money we paid for school to become teachers, a job we love should be donation enough. Instead were treated badly and being held to such high standards, its hard to keep up. How is one teacher supposed to have a HUGE classroom and still be able to control and teacher EVERY SINGLE child in the classroom. if the test scores arent good the teachers no good , thats not true... Theres just too many kids we cant get to them all and answer every single question they have its impossible. If the politicains really wanna put money somewhere they can put it into our school systems instead of their bank accounts. we cant have "no child left behind" if theres not a teacher there giving them the help they deserve instead their forced to share one teacher with 50 plus kids who need the same attention. Its not our teachers its our politicans and the way their running this country.

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