Sunday, December 9, 2012

Education Nation Chapter 3

I agree that we need to allow our students the same technology we ourselves use as teachers. If we want them to use their brains and resources we need to educate them the same way we educate ourselves. Using technology is just a great learning oppurtunity, its like a book but with more answers on more topics. I agree that one on one books and computers are a better learning device then 8 textbooks or computers to one class room. I also really like the question in the begining of the chapter. Do you use a compter? Would you share your computer? would you give up your computer? I answered the last two with a big fat NO! I need technology. So why wouldnt my students need it as a learning tool as well?  They are known as a "weapon of mass instruction!" They also have tests to prove that middle school students have increased writting and mathematical skills since getting to have the use of laptops. We need to soak our students in educational and digital resoucres to make them more inclined to succeed once they get to college and futhermore out into the real world. Where they are going to have to have the knowledge of digital use, as well as current educational devices. I love the quote in the book "tell me something I can't google"... So true... ha ha i mean you can literally google anything these days. How to raise a dog, how to cut your hair, whats this mean, whats that mean, whose this, what day were they born, anything and everything you could ever think of or imagine, its crazy.

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