Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gifted and Talented students

The students both mainstream and EBD, all children have the potential to be "gifted" or learning at a much higher pace then some other students. A student that excels much faster and ultimaly shows the potential to out perform above and beyond what other children their age can do. For alo of these students they have gifted classroom or camps, "certain places for these kinds of children."  The pro's of this included that they were much more inclinded to excel as well as being able to challenge themselves and other classmates they shared the same talents with. However, with any pro, there is a con. The con's included The students being more stressed, more pressure from parents and teachers to excel,  teachers assunming they dont need help or direction, and isolation. It also has been brough to my attention that most teachers, if any are actually trained to teach gifted students. The teachers are ultimatly spread too thin, and not able to have access to both mainstream and gifted children. Most gifted students once they reach higschool go PSEO, its a way to pay for the first two years of college completely free. Unfortuanlty if a student goes PSEO money is taken away from that district and given to the college that student attends. In order to go PSEO you have to be in the top 1/3 of your class with a good track record. Some students however have this oppurtuinty and turn it down because they dont want to leave their friends or miss out on their senior year. For those children that decided not to go PSEO they do have other resources such as summer camps for talented children. It's called SCATS a two week program at a university where students get to choose 4 classes out of 30 options and have actual college professors come teach them. It's extremly expensive, but worth the costs. I also tought it was interesting that gifted students have a harder time graduating then mainstream kids, becaus they usually have other issues with behavior, or they may excel in one subject, but not in another. these children even though they are gifted still have issues. No child is perfect, so we can't treat them that way, but it's definatly something to keep in mind.

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